Knight of Merit of the Italian Republic
Cavaliere dell’Ordine “Al Merito della Repubblica Italiana” (2017)
Menzione d’Onore della Camera di Commercio di Arezzo (2015)
Maestro d’ Opera e d’ Esperienza ANAP (2014)
Maestro Artigiano Toscano in Lavorazione Metalli Preziosi e Arte Sacra (2013)
Alano Maffucci’s artistic history begins in 1959 when he obtains his diploma at the Arezzo goldsmith school. In 1958, he already represents Italy or the European Meeting of the Professional Schools in Brussels, realising one of his own bracelets at the local Art School. Along his professional path of the 20 following years, he increases his own skills and competences thanks to the recruitment at an important jewellery company as designer and modeller.
In 1974, he comes in third at the Sant’Eligio National competition of goldsmith’s art and he is awarded by the great gold craftsman Romolo Grassi.
In November 2000, on the occasion of the Jubilee and as President of the Sant’Eligio Committee (the patron Saint of goldsmiths) he personally presents to Pope John Paul II a gold cross he realised by hand.
Starting from the great passion of M. Alano far goldsmith’s art, a prestigious goldsmith company was born in Arezzo in 1977, a creative and productive heart of elegant jewelry totally realised by hand.
Strongly rooted in his region and drawing inspiration from the Etruscan goldsmith tradition, Alano has been able to present their creations and make them love at all the main international events, from Europe to America, to Asia and in particular to the Arab countries.
In 2005, he concentrates his efforts, with Aule, on the invention and realisation of artistic multiples as far as sportive, cultural and religious sculpture-prizes are concerned by meeting great success for his originality, sophisticated techniques and enthusiasm that have always characterized his production.
Furthermore Alano Maffucci was recently awarded the qualification of “Master craftsman of Gold Jewellery and Sacred Arts” as valuable acknowledgement of his professional abilities and of his prominent teaching stance to the trade.
Following various and varied professional experiences, amongst which are worth mentioning “La Pepita” (1977/2004) and “AULE” (2005/2017), Alano, aged 75, decides to manage his life in a different way in conformity with the present new state of affairs: he hasn’t the slightest intention to stop working however he will do in a different manner i.e. by keeping on dealing prominently with Artistic Handicraft. He will attend mainly to the Art of Chasing (“Cesello”) and to museum replicas of masterpieces realized through various centuries before Christ a historical period which has always intrigued him.
He will keep on devoting himself to teaching and to the fine initiatives of ANAP Confartigianato by giving practical demonstrations and by introducing the art of gold jewellery to pupils of the elementary schools in the hope that craftsmen of the future will eventually sprout amongst them within the track of the glorious artistic traditions of our countryside.